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Why Should an Attorney Conduct an Asset Search?
If used properly and if conducted by a reputable Asset Search Company, asset searches can be used as a valuable tool in both pre and post litigation. Often is the case when a personal injury attorney has a client with severe injuries and an insurance policy with inadequate coverage. The question then becomes whether to settle a case for the policy limits or seek additional assets to satisfy a judgment. Moreover, what duty does the attorney have to his client to inform them that they may be entitled to more than just the insurance coverage? Also, what happens to the attorney who fails to inform the client that they could have conducted an asset search to uncover assets to attach and possibly satisfy a judgment to make the client whole?
Most asset searches cost less than $300.00. At , for example, a nationwide asset search costs $165.00 for an individual subject and $150.00 for a corporate entity. At the very least, shouldn't the client be given the opportunity to pay for and conduct a search just in case there are additional assets associated with the subject or the defendant? If the client refuses, the attorney is protected. If the client agrees to conduct the search, then the attorney has satisfied their "due diligence" by conducting a nationwide asset search, which may very well reveal additional assets that can be attached. In addition, where the subject may be concealing assets, such as through family trusts, partnerships or the like, the asset search report will provide a road map for the attorney.Continue Reading»
Why Should an Attorney Conduct an Asset Search?
Everywhere I look, I see another news story bemoaning delays in retirement plans for Boomers. Most of them feature some poor schmo who says he's going to be working until they haul him off the job toes up.
It's hard for me to be too sympathetic. Part of the reason is that I'm a woman. I spend a lot of time around other women whose husbands are retired or contemplating it and my conclusion is that they would do almost anything to keep the poor dear on the treadmill.
It doesn't have much to do with money, although healthcare is a factor. Many women are younger than their husbands and when he retires, she will have to find private health insurance and it almost certainly won't be as good as she had before.Continue Reading»
Staying on the Job- Marital Therapy for Boomers
While going through a divorce, it is natural to feel isolated, depressed and stressed out. Therese Borchard on Beliefnet offers several tips to lessen the effects of divorce related depression.Continue Reading the Article»
-Find a diversion and lose yourself in it. Whether it be reading, knitting, swimming or some other activity- keep your mind occupied and stop ruminating about your divorce.
-Get out of your routine. Put yourself in a situation, outside of your comfort zone, where you have to interact with people.
-Make plans. Put your self on a schedule and stick to it.
Tips for Dealing with Divorce Related Depression
How can divorced parents manage their families without Facebook?
How can they schedule who has the kids at a particular time?
Courts are increasingly ordering them to use online services such as, a social media Web site for divorced parents, grandparents, lawyers and courts. The service lets parents collectively manage schedules, trade messages and track expenses for activities such as swimming lessons or a Boy Scout trip.
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Website Helping Parents After Divorce
Parental Alienation – when one or both divorcing parents attempts to negatively influence their children about the other parent -- is one of the most terrible outcomes of a divorce gone bad. It’s a difficult and complex subject, but the outcome is always the same. Children who are emotionally scarred.
When you mix two egos with dramatically differing perspectives, you’re bound to get an entanglement of emotions compounded by allegations, defensiveness and self-righteousness. Unfortunately, no one wins when parental alienation runs its course during and after a divorce. But it’s the children in particular who lose in a big way. Many of them are affected for life.
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Parental Alienation
All Divorcing Couples Should get an Objective Market Evaluation of their Real Estate
As experienced realtors and short sale specialists, many of our sellers are in the process of divorce. Many have had their homes on the market for many months and/or have borrowed money from relatives and retirement accounts etc. to make mortgage payments. Others "won" the family primary residence, the second home on the lake believing in equity that doesn't exist in today's market. We suggest a market analyis be done and updated (every 45 days or as needed) for every divorcing couple. Foreclosures and short sales can erode the equity that the sellers imagined or wanted so much to believe. Continue Reading»
Divorcing Couples Should Get Objective Market Evaluation of Real Estate
As many of you may be aware, Boston Magazine's latest issue features an article based on the life of Giovanni DeCunto, an amazingly talented artist and dear friend of mine.I'll never forget the first time I saw Giovanni DeCunto. It was June 20, 2002, a big night for Boston—or at least for that thin slice of Boston that considers Kobe beef essential to a decent hamburger. Two big new restaurants were opening, with enough combined buzz to supply a bucketful of royal jelly. Then a staff writer at this magazine, I queued with the rest of the crush to get into Via Matta, the trattoria owned by Radius restaurateurs Michael Schlow and Christopher Myers. Across town, an equally hyped crowd was squeezing into the Nine Zero Hotel for the opening of its restaurant, Spire. Continue Reading»
Giovanni DeCunto in Boston Magazine
Facebook is supposed to bring people together - but may be tearing some apart.
Divorce lawyers say the social networking site is tempting users to cheat on their spouses, reports The UK’s Telegraph, and flirty messages and wall posts are increasingly being cited as evidence of extramarital activity.
One law firm says that nearly one in five divorce cases they’re working on cited Facebook, a site that allows people to connect with past friends and make new ones. Continue Reading»
Divorce Cases Citing Facebook
How do you help your clients figure out how to live on less money after the divorce?
The process is not hard. the execution of course is. First the client needs to have a very detailed budget on what is coming in and what is going out.This is the starting point. Next they need to see which expenses are fixed and recurring. There is probably little they can do about this group.
Next category is variable expenses but not essential. go through and prioritize by number from 1-10. this will help the person see what can be cut. Introduce the concept of wants versus needs. Continue Reading»
Living on Less Money After a Divorce