Monday, November 23, 2009

Using a Collaborative Approach

There is an interesting discussion going on in LinkedIn's Collaborative Family Law Group about using a collaborative approach with clients. The question is, "How do we help clients decide if the Collaborative approach is the best for them?" The inquring lawyer works in England, where the approach has become a new alternative, and is writing a guide about it for clients.
How do we help clients decide if the Collaborative approach is the best for them?

Where I work in England the Collaborative approach is still relatively new. Most lawyers offer this as one option from a basket of dispute resolution processes. How do we help clients genuinely make the choice to work collaboratively? I am writing a guide for clients on this topic and would be interested to hear what people think clients really need to know (in practical terms) and understand before they decide if the Collaborative approach is the best for them. Continue reading » 
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