Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Law Practice Management Tip of the Week

(via) Lawyer's e-Journal
Tip of the Week: Remotely Erasing Your Smartphone in the Event of Loss or Theft--

It seems like everyone has a mobile phone, iPhone or Blackberry these days, so here is a good tip from this week's Masachusetts Bar Association's Lawyer's e-Journal about keeping your phone info secure:
The smartphones that we use contain so much confidential personal and client data that their loss or theft is a real security and ethical problem.

To deal with this, there are remote wipe programs for Windows Mobile, IPhone and for Blackberry. If you lose or have your phone stolen, you can use the software to reset the device and/or wipe the device clean of your data. There is usually a nominal charge for the software.

Check with your phone provider to find out how to activate this service on your phone, and always keep your phone safe and secure.


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