Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Amaral & Associates, P.C. in the Press!

Attorney Ed Amaral & Luciano at their Boston OfficeThis past Sunday, September 20th, 2009, Attorney Ed Amaral was featured in an article in The Boston Herald regarding the benefits of divorce mediation in a tough economy where the divorce rate is steadily increasing over time.
One field is booming though - divorce mediators. “There are all these articles saying mediators are busier than hell,” said Nissenbaum. That’s true for attorney Edward Amaral Jr. of Boston- and Winthrop-based Amaral & Associates, who said that since the recession started, his mediation business has grown “15 to 20 percent.” Continue reading»


Powers of Attorney, Health Care Proxies and Living Wills

Picture of Amaral & Associates, P.C. eNewsletter Alert(via) eNewsletter September 17, 2009

In this week's eNewsletter Alert, learn about the importance of living wills and the advantage of using power of attorney.
Adults who become incapable of caring for themselves, their property or their dependents may have a guardian appointed for them. However, guardianship can be avoided through the use of living wills and powers of attorney. In such circumstances, personal preferences can be respected without the need for court-appointed guardians.

Living wills/healthcare proxies ("living wills") and powers of attorney can provide that they become effective when a person is temporarily or permanently unable to handle his or her financial or personal affairs due to illness or injury. Continue reading»

Don't forget, you can also read past eNewsLetter Alerts here»


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our Fall Newsletter

Read the latest Newsletter from Amaral & Associates, P.C.!Included in this issue are:
  • What happens if a seller can’t move out by the closing date?
  • Social networking sites are a danger in divorce cases
  • Be careful sending private e-mails from a company computers
  • How to write a will when your child is a spendthrift
  • GM and Chrysler might still liable for their lemons
  • Bloggers, twitterers can be sued for defamation

Read Amaral & Associates, P.C.'s Fall Newsletter here»


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Your Will

(via) eNewsletter September 1, 2009

Read Amaral & Associates, P.C.'s latest eNewsletter Alert on the importance of wills.

A will avoids costs and complications for your heirs when you die. Besides providing instructions about gifts of your property-like your home, car, investments and jewelry-your will can provide instructions for payment of your debts, selection of an executor for your estate, and appointment of a guardian for your children. Continue reading»

You can also read past eNewsLetter Alerts here»
